Newton By The Numbers
Displays of public art & sculpture
Nascar track
Square miles of city
Written by: Newton School District | October 27, 2023
Dear Newton Community Families and Friends!
Fall is in full swing and quarter one of the 2023-2024 school year is already in the books! All grade levels have now had their first set of parent teacher conferences, and we want to thank all of you who participated. Strong partnerships between school and home are the backbone of student success. We greatly appreciate working together with families to share information about your student as well as receiving information on how the school is functioning as a whole. Please know there are many ways for you to receive and share information with teachers and administrators.
To receive information, please watch for the following: Hard copy notes sent home with your child Emails Infinite Campus blasts Facebook pages Instagram District website Face-to-Face meeting Red Pride Review Attend school board meetings Attend conferences
To share information, please do the following: Call teachers or administrators Email teachers or administrators Meet with teachers or administrators Attend PTA meetings Use QR codes posted throughout NCSD buildings Open forums at school board meetings
Our district has begun to implement some technological changes that increase safety and efficiency. For example, buildings now have visitor kiosks. When you visit the school for any reason (early and late pick-ups/drop-offs, volunteers, lunch visits, etc.) you will be asked to check in the office with your driver’s license. A visitor’s badge with your photo and arrival time will be generated per the new system. Visitors will wear the badge while in the building, prior to checking out in the office. Another example is the use of bus passes. We have been slowly piloting and distributing bus passes to students who ride the bus to and from school. For elementary students, these passes come on a lanyard. Students scan their passes as they board and exit the bus. This allows parents real-time tracking of their students’ bus location. Both of these examples increase safety of our students/staff by keeping an accurate record of those entering and exiting the building as well as keeping families informed of the whereabouts of their children.
As fall marches towards winter, we strongly encourage families to begin thinking about how to prepare for cold weather and the increase of illness. Please start thinking about sending students with jackets, hats, and gloves. For elementary students, it would be a good time to start acquiring snow pants and boots. Also, we encourage all of us, adults and students, to increase our handwashing to deter the spread of germs. If your child is ill, please follow the school guidelines for staying home.
Thank you for being wonderful partners with the school as your child walks their educational journey. We appreciate your support, loyalty, and interest in our community’s school system. Have a wonderful fall!
Trisca Mick, TJ Principal
Raising the Bar
Newton staff started their professional development day by recognizing and celebrating several groups and individuals who have gone above and beyond for their students and for the district throughout the first quarter.
Jeff Maple talks with us about how he got started as the voice of the Newton Cardinals, a voice you surely recognize!
Take a sneak peek behind the scenes at the concession stand.
Displays of public art & sculpture
Nascar track
Square miles of city
Whether you’re raising a family, starting a business or building a home — you’ll want to get to know Newton. Our community vision statement is “Newton Shines Bright: Newton is a progressive, family friendly community, a shining star of Central Iowa, and a place to call home.”