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We have almost made it to the Holiday Break of the 2020-2021 school year. There have been many challenges along the way, but with the hard work cooperation, and dedication of our teachers, staff, students, parents, and community we have had many successes. I know that we can keep getting better every day, each week, and throughout the remainder of our school year. With the help of everyone and continued flexibility we will let our Red Pride show. Second semester will start shortly after our return to school. January 26, 2021 will kick off the second half of our school year and things will look a little different. Starting on January 26 we will have students in our buildings five days a week rather than the four we have had on our calendar for the first semester. There will be early dismissals most Mondays for professional development. Make sure you look at the calendar update posted on our website. We also encourage you to pick up the Free Extra Holiday Meal Pack school lunches on Monday, December 28, 2020 at Berg Middle School or Newton High School. The time for these pickups will be 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM. These Grab N Go meals (7 Breakfasts & 7 Lunches) are provided at no charge for all students, and no sign up is required. If you have questions, please contact our Food Service Supervisor, Cristy Croson at 641.792.5797 X2001 or email Finally, I would like to wish everyone a safe and relaxing winter break. Everyone has worked hard to help our kids and this break has been earned. So, have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!! 

Yours truly, 

Tom Messinger Superintendent 
Newton Community School District

Berg Middle School works to give back to fellow students and members of the Newton Community! At Berg the Clothing Closet is accessible for students and families who may be in need of coats, or other essential clothing items.

Cristy Croson has worked hard to make sure students and families have meals accessible these last nine months. During the pandemic the Free Summer Meals expanded into much more!

You can pick up Free Extra Holiday Meal Pack school lunches on Monday, December 28, 2020 at Berg Middle School or Newton High School. The time for these pickups will be 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM. 

These Grab N Go meals (7 Breakfasts & 7 Lunches) are provided at no charge for all students, and no sign up is required. 

If you have questions, please contact our Food Service Supervisor, Cristy Croson at 641.792.5797 X2001 or email 

Just a reminder of the variety of media sources we will use to broadcast inclement weather information ️❄️

Teacher Feature 

Newton Community School District celebrates our educators and all they do for our students and Newton! This week we celebrate Ryan Comer and his time at WEST Academy. 

Check out how Newton's very own teacher was awarded the Golden Apple! 

NEWTON, Iowa — This school year has been unlike any other and like so many other school districts in the state the coronavirus has moved classes online for students in Jasper County. Not only are students having to adapt but teachers are choosing to embrace the change too.

“This is has been a big lesson for all the teachers,” says Krysten Osby, a third grade teacher at Aurora Heights Elementary School. “Everyone is pitching in and helping. I hope that doesn’t go away. We want to see them everyday in the classroom and not over Zoom. We want to be able to give them hugs and high – fives and tell them they are loved.” Read more... 

We are happy to announce the adoption of an innovative mobile device app and website entitled Here Comes the Bus!

Sign up TODAY!

Check out the School Board meeting highlights from the meeting on December 14th, 2020 here!

Newton By The Numbers


Drive-in theater


Square miles of city



Whether you’re raising a family, starting a business or building a home — you’ll want to get to know Newton. Our community vision statement is “Newton Shines Bright: Newton is a progressive, family friendly community, a shining star of Central Iowa, and a place to call home.”

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