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January 15, 2021


We are very excited to be back in school after our winter break and we are even more excited to be getting our students back 5 days a week starting on January 26, 2021. This change has been made to our 2020 – 2021 School Calendar and was communicated out prior to the break, but we would like to remind everyone with the start of 2nd Semester it is just around the corner.

Many of our procedures are still in place as we change our calendar. Masks or gaiters are still required for everyone who does not have an exemption. Building specific procedures for cleaning, sanitizing, and maintaining a certain level of social distancing will continue. We will also continue to have restrictions to our spectator numbers for extracurricular activities.

Vaccination Phase 1b will begin within the next couple weeks. This phase includes educators. The Newton Community School District has been working with the Jasper County Public Health Department and the Newton Clinic to get all educators a COVID-19 vaccination who wish to receive one. This is big news in the year-long fight against the pandemic.

If you have any questions about our Return to Learn Plan or our updated calendar please contact me at 641.792.5809 (Option 5). I will be happy to speak with you and answer your questions. Again, we are excited to have our students back and eager to see them five days a week starting on January 26, 2021!

Yours truly,

Tom Messinger
Superintendent Newton Community School District

Here Comes the Bus App 

Here Comes the Bus App makes it easy to get your kids on the bus and safely to school. With a free and easy way to ensure your kids make it on time to school everyday, why wouldn't you sign up!? Check out how the app is improving the transportation system in the District, and helping make sure the kids never miss their bus.

Book Babies at WEST Academy

Whether you are a current student or past student struggling to provide books for your own child, the WEST Academy team has started the group WEST Book Babies to help start off a little ones life full of books and literature. See how they are making an impact in the children's lives from day one!

Teacher Feature 

Jennifer Harris is making an impact on students everyday. As the music teacher at Thomas Jefferson Elementary and Woodrow Wilson Elementary, she has had the ability to lift hundreds of students spirits over the year with her love of music. See how she shares her passion in the classroom and uses them make a difference in her students' lives. 

January 16th

  • Wrestling: Varsity Invitational at Bettendorf High School (9:00am)
  • Swimming: Boys Varsity Invitational at Fort Dodge High School (11:00am)

January 18th

  • HS-Musical Tryouts at HS Auditorium (6:30pm-8:30pm)

January 19th

  • Basketball: Girls JV 1 Game vs. Grand View Christian at Newton HS Gym-Upper (6:00pm)
  • HS-Musical Tryouts at HS Auditorium (6:30pm-8:30pm)
  • Wrestling: Girls Varsity Invitational at Waukee High School (6:30pm)
  • Basketball: Girls Varsity Game vs. Grand View Christian at Newton HS Gym- Upper (7:30pm)

January 21st 

  • Basketball: Boys 7th Grade Game vs. Oskaloosa at Berg Middle School (4:30pm)
  • Swimming: Boys Varsity Conference Meet at Indianola YMCA (5:15pm)
  • Wrestling: JV Match vs. Grinnell at Newton High School Gym-Upper (6:30pm)
  • Wrestling: Varsity Match vs. Grinnell at Newton High School Gym-Upper (6:30pm)

January 22nd 

  • Basketball: Girls JV 1 Game vs. Grinnell at Newton High School Gym-Upper (4:45pm)
  • Basketball: Boys JV 1 Game vs. Grinnell at Newton High School Gym- Lower (4:45pm)
  • Basketball: Girls Varsity Game vs. Grinnell at Newton High School Gym-Upper (6:15pm)
  • Basketball: Boys JV 2 Game vs. Grinnell at Newton High School Gym- Lower (6:15pm)
  • Basketball: Girls JV 2 Game vs. Grinnell at Newton High School Gym-Lower (7:30pm)
  • Basketball: Boys Varsity Game vs. Grinnell at Newton High School Gym-Upper (7:45pm)

January 23rd 

  • Wrestling: Girls Varsity State Meet at Iowa City High School (8am-10am)
  • Bowling: Girls and Boys Varsity Meet vs. Pella at Cardinal Lanes (9:00am)
  • Wrestling: JV Invitational at Colfax-Mingo High School (9:00am)
  • Wrestling: Varsity Invitational at Colfax-Mingo (9:00am)

January 25th

  • Basketball: Girls JV 1 Game vs. Centerville at Newton High School Gym- Upper (4:45pm)
  • Basketball: Boys JV 1 Game vs. Centerville at Newton High School Gym- Lower (4:45pm)
  • Basketball: Girls Varsity Game vs. Centerville at Newton High School Gym- Lower (6:15pm)
  • Basketball: Boys JV 2 Game vs. Centerville at Newton High School Gym- Lower (6:15pm)
  • Basketball: Boys Varsity Game vs. Centerville at Newton High School Gym- Upper (7:45pm)

January 27th 

  • HS- ACT Prep at HS- Room 11 (5:30pm-8:30pm)

January 28th 

  • HS- ACT Prep at HS- Room 11 (5:30pm-8:30pm)

January 29th

  • Basketball: Girls Varsity Game at Pella High School (6:15pm)
  • Basketball: Boys JV 2 Game at Pella High School (6:15pm)
  • Basketball: Girls JV 2 Game at Pella High School (7:30pm)
  • Basketball: Boys Varsity Game at Pella High School (7:45pm)

Upcoming Academic Calendar Dates

  • January 18th- Remote Learning (ALL DISTRICT)
  • January 22nd- End of First Semester and Second Quarter
  • January 25th- No School (ALL DISTRICT)
    • Teachers Work Day
  • January 25th- District Board Meeting (6:30pm-9 pm)
    • EJH Beard Administration Center - Room 105A / via ZOOM
  • January 26th- Start of Second Semester and Third Quarter
  • January 27th- Parent Teacher Conferences (3:30pm-7pm)
    • WEST Academy

Check out the School Board meeting highlights from the meeting on January 11th, 2021 here!!

Just a reminder of the variety of media sources we will use to broadcast inclement weather information ️❄️

If you need to update your contact preferences (voice, text, email) in the Infinite Campus Parent Portal, here is a link from our Technology Department with instructions:

Newton By The Numbers


Tree species in Newton Arboretum


Drive-in theater


Square miles of city

Whether you’re raising a family, starting a business or building a home — you’ll want to get to know Newton. Our community vision statement is “Newton Shines Bright: Newton is a progressive, family friendly community, a shining star of Central Iowa, and a place to call home.”

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