Newton By The Numbers
Displays of public art & sculpture
Tree species in Newton Arboretum
Square miles of city
Written by: Newton School District | March 12, 2021
March 12, 2021
Spring Break is here and there is no school until Monday, March 22, 2021. Once we come back to school, we have a short time left and want everyone to buckle down and end this year on a high note. The last day of school for students is Friday, June 4, 2021. We continue to have no early dismissal for students on Monday’s for the remainder of the school year. This is to make up the days missed in January and February due to inclement weather. Our year is winding down but we still have a lot to accomplish.
With time off from school, we realize many people will be enjoying a break from the routine. There are just a few reminders for students and staff as we come back to school after Spring Break:
The Newton Community School District will continue to track our numbers and make them available on the dashboard of the Return to Learn website. Currently from our students and staff we have 5 individuals who are positive with COVID-19, 10 people quarantined due to positive exposure, and 6 waiting for test results. This is down from 6 positives, 21 quarantined, and 33 waiting for test results from one month ago, and 27 positives, 78 quarantined, and 44 waiting for test results in November 2020. We are in a position to finish strong, but we need the cooperation and support of everyone.
It’s been a great experience seeing how Red Pride brings everyone together to make the most of a difficult situation. It has been exciting to witness the determination of our students, families, staff, and community supporting the learning of our young people. Don’t let up. Keep moving forward. And don’t forget - Red Pride Lives Here!!
Yours Truly,
Tom Messinger
Newton Community School District Superintendent
It has been a unique year, but teachers are still giving it their all in the classroom and virtually. We have greatly appreciated their dedication to students and Newton Community Schools. Check out what is like for teachers leading remote learners.
Congrats to the High School Bowling team for a great season! Learn a little more about the team, their journey, and how they have made a home at Cardinal Lanes!
Meet Rachel Tomas, she is an instructional coach at Thomas Jefferson Elementary school. With years of experience to share with students and teacher alike, Rachel brings a level of knowledge and caring to TJ that is appreciated by all that have the chance to work with her!
March 23rd
March 25th
March 26th
Monday, March 15th from 11:00 am - 12:30 pm
Our Food Service Department will be providing Grab and Go Meals for Spring Break. Be sure to pick up FREE meal packs for your enrolled students!
The Newton Community School District is needing the assistance of parents, community members, students, and staff. It’s that time of year when the Cardinal Community is charged by the Newton CSD School Board to convene a School Improvement Advisory Committee (SIAC) in order to strengthen the student enrollment inNewton. Morespecifically,theNewtonCommunitySchoolDistrictBoardofDirectors has set a bold, but achievable, goal to improve the net open enrollment for the Newton Community School District by 3.25% of the total enrollment. Achieving this goal may take 3-5 years to meet.
All school districts in Iowa must utilize a SIAC to make recommendations to the Board about the following components:
1. Major educational needs
2. Student learning goals
3. Curriculum, assessment and instruction
4. Long range and annual goals that include, but are not limited to, the state
indicators that address reading, mathematics, and science achievement
5. Bullying and harassment prevention goals
6. Any other issues which relate to school improvement.
This year, we are asking for your help to find ways to reduce our open enrollment deficit by finding our characteristics of success, identifying the ways to meet the needs of our community’s children, and forming or improving our relationships with families and with the community.
We have two meetings on our calendar this spring: April 21 & May 5 from 5:00 - 6:30 PM to be held at the EJH Beard Administration Center (1302 1st Ave W). A meal will be provided. Following our second SIAC meeting, recommendations will be presented to the school board. We want you to be a part of this. If you have interest in joining the SIAC please complete the survey below. We are seeking around 30 volunteers. We are not asking for a long term commitment from people - the membership in SIAC will be renewed each year. Let your Red Pride show!
Displays of public art & sculpture
Tree species in Newton Arboretum
Square miles of city
Whether you’re raising a family, starting a business or building a home — you’ll want to get to know Newton. Our community vision statement is “Newton Shines Bright: Newton is a progressive, family friendly community, a shining star of Central Iowa, and a place to call home.”