November 12th


 Wow! The First Quarter of the 2021-2022 school year is now behind us. Time has flown by and we have had many exciting things happening. There is very little time to sit back and relax because there is plenty more ahead for us.

Winter activities are going to be in full swing very soon and this means our gyms will be roaring with the noise of our athletes, our Cardinal band, and our fans. We will also have the opportunity to hear the winter concerts of our students from our elementary schools. And we will be experiencing the excitement seen in schools everywhere with the upcoming holidays.

As we approach the holiday season, I would like to remind everyone (parents and educators alike) to encourage our students to dress according to the weather. The temperatures are colder and snow is in the air as I write this letter. Many kids like to dress like it is summer year round. We want everyone to take care of themselves and stay healthy. We have learned to navigate through COVID because it has been here for well over a year without a break. The cold weather has come and gone - we all need reminders. In case you missed it, the October 29, 2021 issue of the Red Pride Review provided information on weather related school announcements. Go online and check them out. Also please keep checking the school calendar for important dates and events.

I am very thankful and appreciative of the great level of support given to myself and the entire Newton Community School District by so many people. We cannot be successful without you. Have a great holiday season.
Go Cardinals!

Yours truly,

Tom Messinger, Superintendent

Newton High Cross Country Team 

The boys Cross Country team had a wonderful team this year, as they made their way to compete in State! Learn a little more about their season and their journey and the work it took to get there.

Thank you to our Veterans

We are lucky to have those whom have served and who continue to serve our country on our staff. We are grateful for their service and what they bring to the District! 

Enjoy a performance by fourth grade students of Thomas Jefferson of "America the Beautiful." 

Teacher Feature 

Susan Sheeks has dedicated her life to caring for the students in her fourth grade class! See how much it has meant to her to spend her career doing something she feels a deep passion for. 


November 15th: NO Preschool and 1.5 Hour Early Dismissal for  ALL Campuses/Students

November 18th: Parent Teacher Conferences (Newton High) 4:00pm-7:30pm

November 19th: WEST Picture Retakes

November 22nd:NO Preschool and 1.5 Hour Early Dismissal for  ALL Campuses/Students

November 22nd: School Board Meeting 

6:30pm-9:00pm (EJH Beard Administration Center - Room 105A / via ZOOM)

*Board Re-Organization Meeting: 2021 - 2022

November 22nd-24th: NO SCHOOL for Preschool 

November 22nd-23rd: Preschool Conferences (1-7:30pm)

November 24th: Preschool Conferences (8:25a-1:00pm)

November 24th:1.5 Hour Early Dismissal All Schools 

See the latest updates on Middle School and High School Activities and follow us on Facebook and Twitter for daily updates on activities and results!

Check out the School Board Meeting Highlights from the meeting on November 8th, 2021 here!