May 13, 2022
As I reflect back to the end of last school year, it seems as I bring another year in education to a close I do so feeling proud once again of our Cardinal family. The Mission of the Newton Community School District is that we “empower every learner to achieve a lifetime of personal success.” I can confidently say as the Class of 2022 takes flight, our students are well on their way to achieving their potential. I would like to highlight just a few of their many accomplishments:
• $2.5 Million in scholarships awarded to graduating seniors
• Eleven Valedictorians - All earning straight A’s
• National Merit Finalist
• Top Three Places in the State of Iowa Battle of the Books
• Conference Golf Champs - Back to Back Titles
• June 4th – Full-length Feature Film by NHS students to be released at Capitol II Theatre
• State Marching Band Division I Rating Last Ten Years
• State Large Group Band Division I Rating 9 out of Last Ten Years
• Bowling - State Runner Up
• Student Organized Blood Drive - saving 189 lives
• Seven students volunteered 862 hours through the Silver Cord Program
• Cardinal House of Apparel provided 520 people meals
• Red Pride Service Day - NHS Students volunteered over 1000 hours
• ACT - 21.6 average score, with 5 students scoring over 30
A big part of our students’ success is due to the support of our parents, staff, and Newton Community. We thank you for guiding our Cardinals in accomplishing great things and helping to make our 2021 – 2022 school year a success.
This will be the last edition of the RED PRIDE REVIEW before our students break for the summer. Our next edition will be on May 27, 2022. Over the next few months we will be communicating some important dates and deadlines for the 2022 – 2023 school year. We are looking forward to welcoming our newest Cardinals and the Class of 2035! Red Pride!
Yours truly,
Tom Messinger, Superintendent
Retirees of 2022
After years of dedication and commitment to Newton Community School District we say farewell to some of our teachers, administrators and staff as they say farewell. We wish them the best of luck on the next chapter of their lives!
Teacher Feature- Natalie Jack

May 16th
- 1.5 Hour Early Dismissal- ALL CAMPUSES
May 20th
- WEST Academy Graduation (more info here!)
May 22nd
- Newton Senior High School Graduation (more info here!)
May 23rd
- 1.5 Hour Early Dismissal- ALL CAMPUSES
- School Board Work Session from 5:30pm-6:30pm (EJH Beard Administration Center)
- School Board Meeting 6:30pm-9:00pm
May 24th
- MAP Testing from 10:44am-11:41am (WEST Academy)
- 5th Grade Orientation Session 1: 5:00pm-6:10pm (Berg Middle School)
- 5th Grade Orientation Session 2: 6:40pm-7:50pm (Berg Middle School)
May 25th
- MAP Testing from 10:44am-11:41am (WEST Academy)
May 26th
- Last Day of Preschool
May 27th
- 1.5 Early Dismissal for Students
May 30th
- Memorial Day: District Office Closed
May 31st
- Teacher Professional Development Day
June 1st
- Teacher Work Day
June 13th
- School Board Meeting from 6:30pm-9:00pm (EJH Beard Administration Center)
See the latest updates on Middle School and High School Activities and follow us on Facebook and Twitter for daily updates on activities and results!

Student Registration and Re-Enrollment
Student Registration & Re-Enrollment for the 2022 – 2023 school year has begun!
The Newton Community School District is proud to offer families top-notch and best educational choices in Iowa. We serve approximately 3,000 students (PreK – 12th Grades) enrolled in small class sizes at our seven schools – four elementary, Berg Middle School, Newton High School, and WEST Academy.
Check out our School Boundaries Map to find your child’s elementary school!
If your child will be 4 years old on or before September 15, 2022 please complete and return a Preschool application (with required documents) to the Central Registrar’s Office (EJH Beard Administration Center, 1302 First Avenue West – Newton, Iowa).
Click here to learn more about the Preschool Registration process! Click here for a Preschool application!
If your child will be 5 years old by September 15, 2022, your child can be registered for Kindergarten. Please complete and return a Kindergarten application packet (with required documents) to the Central Registrar’s Office (EJH Beard Administration Center, 1302 First Avenue West – Newton, Iowa).
Click here to learn more about the Kindergarten Registration process! Click here for a Kindergarten application!
For information on re-enrolling a current student through the Infinite Campus Parent Portal, please click here! Re-enrollment for the 2022 – 2023 school year opened Mon, March 7, 2022.
Families new to the Newton Community School District or returning after ending their enrollment, or after being enrolled in another district, will need to contact the Central Registrar during business hours (Mon-Fri) (7:30 AM – 4:30 PM) to begin the registration process.
If you have any questions about student registration or re-enrollment for the 2022 – 2023 school year, please contact Melinda Robertson (District Office, Central Registrar) at 641.792.5809 or
Senior Graduation Information
A Note to Our Seniors...

Bill Peters, Newton High School Principal
"The accomplishments of this class have been blanketed by the pandemic however they are now beginning to shine as bright as any class to walk the halls of NHS
Stay tuned on this group as they are destined for greatness!!"

Tara Zehr, WEST Academy Principal
"Everyday is your chance to make this city a little better. Go be good representatives of WEST Academy. We're proud of you."

School Board Highlights
Check out the School Board Meeting Highlights from the meeting on May 9th, 2022 here!
Red Pride Service Day
Started in 2009---has now spread to become an ethic and tradition among students and in the community. We estimate a total of about 2500 students, staff and community volunteers participated this year!
Students from fifth through twelfth grade participate, including students from WEST Academy. Elementary students chipped in by cleaning up around their buildings and grounds. WEST Academy cleaned up around their building and around the First Avenue Railroad Bridge.
The Middle School focuses on bike trails, Agnes park, Project awake plant sale help, Memorial Garden cemetery, and playgrounds.
High School students have worked on the following projects:
- Trash pick up in the HS parking lots and HS grounds clean up
- Clean up of the creek bed near HyVee, Children’s Forest, Maytag park, and the Nature center.
- Planted flowers (purchased from FFA) at the Library and Sersland Park and mulched flower beds and downtown park areas
- Cleaned Baseball fields and help clean up area debri from storm
- Planted 20 trees at Westwood
- Painted a mural at Sunset park
- Cleaned up grounds at Willowbrook, a playground at Peck Daycare, and cleaned up the HA Lynn Stadium
- Painted several new displays to be used in the Parks Christmas Light exhibit
- Worked on the courtyard at the high school (Fledge class project)
- Partnered with Special Needs classes to paint birdhouses for Mariposa Park and learn about animal habitats, and worked at the Center for Arts and Artists.
At the High School alone, 1000 bags of trash were collected! Dodds trash picked up and disposed of these free of charge.
A free t-shirt is provided to participating members along with custard from Culver's and Hy-vee cookies to participants. Total cost of the project is about $8,000 which is funded by sponsor support and in kind donations.
This program helps students understand the impact they have on their community, and what a difference working together makes.